Examination of the Knee
A knee examination is usually the first step in determining the cause of knee pain. During this exam, your healthcare provider may do knee tests designed to evaluate knee function and range of motion.
A knee examination is usually the first step in determining the cause of knee pain. During this exam, your healthcare provider may do knee tests designed to evaluate knee function and range of motion.
Published results showed a single preoperative IV dose of 8 mg of dexamethasone may improve patient outcomes for pain, vomiting, inflammation and mobility after total knee arthroplasty compared with placebo.
Plantar fasciitis is a painful condition that occurs when the thick band of tissue in the bottom of your foot—called the plantar fascia—becomes inflamed. This condition typically causes sharp pain on your heel at the base of your arch, especially when you put weight on your foot.
Knee injuries are common in athletes, accounting for 41% of all athletic injuries. But knee injuries aren't limited to competitive athletes. In our everyday lives, an accident or a quick movement in the wrong direction can injure the knee and require medical treatment. A quarter of the adult population worldwide experiences knee pain each year
Hip implants with a delta ceramic or oxidized zirconium head and highly crosslinked polyethylene liner or cup had the lowest risk of revision during the 15 years after surgery, a new study led by the University of Bristol has found.
You're playing tag with your kids, hitting a fast tennis return shot, landing after a gymnastics vault, evading a football tackle or jumping off a rock onto the beach. Suddenly, you feel a pop in your knee, then immediate pain followed by swelling. You may have just injured or torn your anterior cruciate ligament, or ACL.
A kneecap injury can happen from a blow to the knee or a fall. Some injuries can also occur due to overuse. When you injure your kneecap—also called your patella—there may be damage to the surrounding soft tissues, such as a patellar tendon tear, or a fracture to the bone.
When the bottom of your foot hurts when you walk, it can be caused by many things, from ill-fitting shoes to activities like long-distance running or walking. For jobs that require long hours on your feet, bottom-of-the-foot pain is an occupational hazard.
To evaluate the short and long term effects of intra-articular injection of PRP on pain and functional status of the knee joint as measured by the Lysholm questionnaire and visual analogic pain scale (VAS).
Foot reflexology is a form of massage therapy that involves applying pressure to specific points on the foot. Part of traditional Chinese medicine, this practice of working pressure points on the foot is meant to provide internal balance and improve overall health.